Onyih Odunze

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New Year…New You?

A new year is always a big deal…people are happy to have ‘crossed over’ from the old into the new, churches hold midnight or ‘watchnight’ services to mark the event, people gather in different places to watch the clock strike 12. The turn of the year is usually a time for ‘New Year resolutions’. Somehow, the fact that it’s January 1st makes us remember all the things we’ve dreamed about doing – (finally) lose those pesky 30 pounds, start that business I’ve been dreaming about, write a book, etc. We start out like we’re on fire, but gradually lose steam along the way. By the end of the year, many of us find that our determination has waned and the end of the year is littered with unresolved resolutions and broken dreams.

This year, as I thought about my goals for the year, I decided to write them down as I usually do at the beginning of the year. I opened my journal and flipped through a few of my entries last year. I was amazed to discover that with the exception of two things, everything I hope to achieve this year was already there in black and white – 2011’s unresolved goals have become 2012’s new goals.

I realized that I’m tired of the ‘same old-same old’. I don’t want to make any more resolutions...I want to be the me God created me to be. I realized that what I need this year is transformation. Wirriam-webster.com defines transformation as ‘a change in character or condition…implies a major change in form, nature or function’.

Romans 12: 2 Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. Amplified Bible

I want a change that will be permanent and progressive…not just a flash in the pan, but I can only get there by having my mind renewed. Yesterday morning while leading prayer in church, my sister said ‘Transformed lives can only come from renewed minds’.  Like the Amplified Bible says, I want my entire mind to be renewed, with new ideals and a new attitude that is firmly rooted in the character and Person of Christ. Help me Lord to renew my mind.

Onyih Odunze