How Peter Walked on Water by Osi Ukomadu
Last week, I shared a post on some practical steps we can take to understand and overcome the fears that imprison us. This week, I would like to talk briefly about Peter and how he did something nobody else has ever done - besides Jesus. Before Peter could walk on water, he did several things which are outlined below:
Peter sought for the word from Jesus: There is always need for seeking God's face for direction and guidance.
Peter received the word: When you go to God for anything, he gives you a word, which you can act on. Peter didn't leave the boat until Jesus said "Come".
Peter stepped out in faith: You have to act on the word that you have received.
The wind came to test the word: Every word you receive will be tested.
Peter staggered at the fierceness of the wind: Your outcome is determined by your response in times of testing. Fear crept in and he began to sink until Jesus reached out and rescued him.
Fear breeds doubt.
For some us, we may try and come short initially but there is always room for improvement. For every Peter who dares to leave the boat (even though he ended up sinking), there are many others who never leave the boat...who never dare...who never try.
It's just like watching a soccer game, with millions of spectators both in the stadium and watching on televisions around the world. I am confident that a large number of those watching may have once dreamed of playing soccer at a professional level, yet only a few make it. At any given time, there are only 22 players on the field - playing to an audience of millions.
Now is the time to have our own "Walking on Water' moments, just like Peter did. We may not succeed right of the gate. We may be wobbly and stagger at the fierceness of the wind...but we may also end up doing something nobody else has ever done.
May God release the shackles of fear that hold us bound!
Thank you for reading. God bless you.
Osi Ukomadu