My Story

Sharing Stories. Stirring Hearts..png

Salvation is an intensely personal experience and mine was no different. 

I was born in and spent much of my adult life in Owerri - a sleepy, little town in eastern Nigeria. With three brothers and three sisters, my childhood was anything but boring! I still remember the scrapes I got into; sneaking out to watch movies past my bedtime, slashing open the living room sofa so I could pull out the foam-filling (that one earned me a good licking from my Mom). I had a very happy and carefree childhood, raised in a Christian home by parents with very strong morals.

Maybe because of that, I never felt like I needed to be saved.

"Saved from what?" I always wondered.

Being a good girl, from a good home seemed like it was enough. I hadn't done anything that required salvation. And so I flitted through life, until one fateful day.

No. It wasn't in a crusade, or a worship meeting; there was no fire-and-brimstone breathing pastor. Nothing like that. I was in my first year in University, chilling in my room and reading a book. That day, I was in the room alone, except for my roommate and friend of hers who I also knew. I lay on my bed, reading, while they sat a few feet away, talking. I don't remembered anything about their conversation, but I remember thinking that there was something about them that was different. Something undefinable lingered around them, teasing the senses...defying description. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, but I found myself wanting it...desiring it. A few days before that, I'd had a disturbing dream about Jesus - and I woke up in a cold sweat. The dream made me uneasy and I walked around for days, feeling the call from Him, but continuing to reject Him like I had done for years. That sense of unease lingered as I watched my friends. I knew what I needed to do, and when they left, I knelt by my bed and prayed a simple prayer.

My faith walk since than has had its ups and downs; mountains and valleys (haven't we all?) But, I stay encouraged by the fact that God is still working on me; I am a work in progress. No, no. He's not finished with me yet! (Or you either)

My Writing Journey

The idea for Meditations Of The Soul a.k.a. MOTS was conceived sometime around 2006. I had just moved to the United States from the UK and I found myself thinking about my destiny - what did God want me to do? What had He placed in me that I could use to advance His will? I felt compelled to start a website that would deal with different topics - from Bible-study type articles to profiles on historical and contemporary Christians. It took me a couple of years to get started, but I finally did - with a lot of encouragement from my then boyfriend (now my husband since 2007).

The site has had two different homes, and has undergone another transition by being merged with my personal website. The idea for MOTS is still evolving but I'm waiting on God to direct this work and where it will go; I believe it still has a role to play in my future. Building and maintaining a blog is difficult. I get discouraged sometimes, but I've recently started reminding myself that 'God blesses obedience, not results'. I saw it on Facebook, by the way. The things you learn on Facebook, huh?

If God has instructed it, then He will bless it - but in His own time. Then, and only then. 

I believe that God's grace must, must, MUST be communicated because I am a recipient of that grace. Where would I be without it? I have committed myself to writing as God leads me - to telling stories about lost people, rescued by grace.

I'm a wife, a mother, a student, a dreamer....a sinner, flawed and saved by His Grace.

Thank you for hanging out with me, and I pray that you will find words here that speak to you.

Stay inspired,



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